I’m excited to announce the launch of a new pattern site… Pattern8.com
Things have been pretty quiet around Patternhead for a few days. But there’s a good reason for that…
I think there are some great vector patterns on Patternhead but they aren’t always easy to find. I’ve created a new site named Pattern8.com to solve that problem.
If you take a look at Pattern8, you’ll find pixel versions of all Patternhead patterns. On Pattern8 you can search patterns by color. The thumbnail layout makes it really easy to scan through the patterns. Also, it gives you the opportunity to just download pixel patterns. Not everyone needs the vector formats.
Also, with Pattern8, I’m inviting other designers to submit patterns. You’ll retain all rights to your work and receive exposure on Pattern8 with a link back to your site. Just use the contact page on Pattern8 if you’d like free exposure for your pattern design work.
Cool stuff – I came across this the other day from Stubleupon, added it, and by chance came across it again by scoping out this site.
Great patterns…
nice looking site and great patterns :)
What a great idea/resource! Thanks!
Nice implementation of the Gallery theme. Would’ve been cool to see a link back, but of course not required. Keep up the free patterns! Love ’em!
Hey Chris, thanks for the comment and the great Gallery theme :D