
Free Super High Resolution Photos – Caribbean Skies Set 1

Six super high resolution (10MP) free photographs of blue Caribbean skies.

Free blue sky photographs from

I went on vacation to the sunny Caribbean a few weeks ago. We started in Barabados and travelled around 10 different Islands. It was fantastic. Anyways, during my travels I took lots of scenic photos. Here’s a set of beautiful blue Caribbean skies with fluffy white clouds. Download the free photos and use them for your personal or commercial work.

The download contains 6 high-resolution photographs. Each photograph is 10 Megapixels (3648 x 2736 pixels). The photos were taken with a Canon Powershot SD880 IS (IXUS 870 IS) and they haven’t been edited in any way.

Cool, how can I use the download?

  • You can use the downloads for personal or commercial projects
  • You may not offer items created with Patternhead files for resale. That includes, but is not limited to scrapbooking, apparel, web design themes, t-shirts, business cards, greetings card, stationery, posters, flyers etc. in both physical and digital formats.
  • A link back here would be appreciated but it is not required
  • You may not sell or redistribute the downloads in any way, shape, or form
  • You may not create derivatives of the downloads for resale or distribution
  • Visit the License and usage info page for full Terms and Conditions of use

Do you like this set? Want to see more? Let me know in the comments.

Download Now

21 thoughts on “Free Super High Resolution Photos – Caribbean Skies Set 1

    • There were over 600 downloads in a couple of days and this pushed me over the 10GB bandwidth limit. I’ve moved the file to so everything should be working again now. Phew :)

  1. Thanks very generous of you,
    Its nice , NO it makes a pleasant change to find a website that provides beautiful and useful ressources without any cost.
    Now I finally have the options of great backgrounds.
    Much appreciated keep up the good work. What a gem!
    When my website is complete I would happy to recommend your link you deserve all the credit.
    Thanks again,

  2. Hi,

    I just found your website and would absolutely love to download these awesome shots!
    but i don’t see a download link
    please help!


  3. thanks for sharing but when i try to dowload website could not found. i am in turkey. is it about server problem or anythingelse?

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